
Ahoy fellow salty dogs,

we hope you have some fun reading about our little adventures on Matriarch and the high seas ;)

The Highs and Lows

The Highs and Lows

Today’s low tide was 1.8m and we draw 1.9 so today we were on the muddy bottom of the marina. The really high tide was last weekend when Grandad and Uncle Andrew were here and it was almost 4m. During the high tide some of the docks were under water. The dock by a restaurant across the marina was pulling apart so we weren't able to eat there that night. During the very low tide lots of the boat were grounded and couldn't move. No one went out and no one came in.

The weird tides have to do with the big low pressure system offshore and it's sucking the water out of the Chesepeake. There are a lot of really low tides in the winter and some are even worse than the one today. Even though the tides are crazy, we all are still really excited to depart and start the passage to Bermuda. We are also sad to leave the friendships we have forged and the marina we have called home. Like the ocean tides, high and low there are emotional tides too.

Aden thinks she likes the high tide because then she does not have to stress about us on the bottom, more like mom and dad stressing over us on the bottom. During low tide we saw the blue heron walking in the mud and trying to catch some lunch. We are busy planing for "lows" like boat repairs and seasickness so we've been loading up on some spares, medications and puke buckets...and for some "highs" like seeing dolphins and swimming in tropical water. Even though mom packed away our bathing suits today. It's pretty cold right now but soon we are headed to Norfolk and then Bermuda, St.Martin, Antigua, and then....mystery?

Before we head out we are going to have one more big "high"...we are going to go to a big Hallowe'en party at the marina. We have been looking forward to this party for a long time. Aden is being a black cat, Grace is going to be a mouse and I am going to be Jeykll and Hyde. I was thinking of a pirate skeleton but then my friend Marguerite suggested Jeykll and Hyde and offered to do my make-up and I thought it was a good idea. I love Jeff and Marguerite. The other day I tested Jeff's new radio but calling him our on VHF. I was nervous but it was pretty fun.


Not too many "lows" left. The work is almost done enough for us to go (it's never really done done). We just have to get our last deliveries, fix our fridge, change the oil in the engine and generator, rent a car to get the final groceries, fix the tanks with diesel, fill the tanks with water and leave! It sounds like a lot but we are hoping to be heading out next weekend. Crazy.


Probably going to be on the bottom again tonight but that ok; the water will be high again soon enough :)

Liam out.


I’m not sure if this is a high or a low but Uncle Andrew is bringing a lot of hot sauce!

The Matriarch Medical Kit

The Matriarch Medical Kit

Boat show craziness!!! Spending money and gaining confidence...

Boat show craziness!!! Spending money and gaining confidence...