
Ahoy fellow salty dogs,

we hope you have some fun reading about our little adventures on Matriarch and the high seas ;)

Oh Canada! Day 3

Oh Canada! Day 3

Aden & Grace: Yesterday was really, really fun!

Zumba with Grandma

Aden: Zumba was great! My heart started racing. It was sooo fun. They played great music and everyone was so nice. They played a lot of Grandma’s running songs. I drank a LOT of water. Right behind me was a little baby watching everybody do Zumba. It was really funny. Grandma did a good job on her Zumba and when we got home we listened to a bunch of the songs again. I would definitely go and do Zumba again.

Grace: Zumba was fun, complicated, and tiring! It was hard to follow the instructions because they were doing it really fast. I sat out for one song because I got tired. There was a Zumba song that my Grandma showed Daddy last night and he laughed his head off. The words were “Where did you get that body? I got it from my Daddy!” Grandma did well-ish. I would do Zumba again if I had to… or if I wanted to. Which I do.

Grace got some new workout clothes.

Grace got some new workout clothes.

Showing Grandma how it’s done.

Showing Grandma how it’s done.

Hydration break!

Hydration break!

Gettin’ their Zumba on!

Gettin’ their Zumba on!

School and Lunch

Aden: Liam and Grandma made really good tomato and avocado sandwiches for lunch with mayo on them. Liam cut open a squishy avocado and in the inside it was perfect! I think I was actually the first one done. We helped clean up and after we ate ice cream bars for dessert. After that Liam and I played minecraft (parent edit: Actually all three kids spent a couple hours doing school work. Maybe they repressed that memory. Liam wrote yesterday’s blog post and then did math. Aden and Grace worked on writing… and spelling… a lot of spelling.)

A perfect avocado!

A perfect avocado!

Good lunch and we cleaned up after.

Good lunch and we cleaned up after.

Visiting Grammy and Grampy

Aden: We walked over to Grammy and Grampy’s house. It was good to see them because I haven’t seen them in a long time. When we got there we had tea and arrowroot cookies and coffee. We dipped our cookies in our tea and they were really good. Grammy and Grampy told us all about their RV trip from the summer. They brought us back soap. The soap names were a little weird. They were “Moose Spit”, “Dog Team Drool”, and “Wolf Whistle”. Grampy got a new truck as well. It was BIG and really shiny grey.

Grace: We went to our other grandparents’ house, Grammy and Grampy. Their real names are Mel and Crystal. We walked over there and took a short cut. Liam and I had a water bottle fight and I got soaking wet. Aden and I played with our cousin’s barbies.

Kids lovin’ the big, brand new truck.

Kids lovin’ the big, brand new truck.

We’ve Grown A Lot

Aden: This is a picture of Grandma’s measuring wall for me and Liam and Grace. The tallest one is Liam. The middle one is me. And the shortest one is Grace. Liam grew the most. Grace is next. I grew the least, but at least I grew!

Grace: Liam is a lot taller and I grew a tiny bit more. Liam grew 10 inches (parent edit: not really, more like an inch and a half).

Grandma’s growth charts.

Grandma’s growth charts.

Liam is as tall as Grandma now!

Liam is as tall as Grandma now!

What’s Next

Grace: Mommy is still in Ottawa working with her business partner. It was sad to drop her off at the airport. I miss her and I think she’s doing hard work because she owns a business. For lunch she’s probably going to eat a sandwich. Grace out (parent edit: she drops the mic and runs off to see what Grandad is doing…).

Oh Canada! Day 9...what happened to daily!?!?

Oh Canada! Day 9...what happened to daily!?!?

Oh Canada! Day 2

Oh Canada! Day 2